Protect Your Pet
Serving All of Oak Park, Thousand Oaks, Agoura Hills & More!
It is strongly recommended that all dogs, even when on heartworm protection, be tested for heartworms annually. We will run as part of your pet’s regular wellness exam. To learn more or schedule your pet’s wellness visit in Oak Park, call us at 818-532-7434.

Frequently Asked Questions
What Are Heartworms?
Heartworms are foot-long worms that can live in the heart, lungs, and associated blood vessels of animals. This causes a serious and potentially fatal disease. Heartworms mostly affect dogs and less commonly, cats. Regular heartworm treatment is very effective at preventing this condition
What Does Heartworm Testing Involve?
There are few, if any, early signs when your dog is infected with heartworms; therefore, regular testing is essential. The test we run requires a small blood sample which will allow us to detect the presence of any heartworm proteins. Heartworm disease left unchecked is very serious, but early detection greatly increases the chances of recovery.
When Should My Dog Be Tested for Heartworms?
At Kanan Veterinary Hospital, we recommend that all dogs be tested annually for heartworm infection. We will perform this test during their routine wellness visit.
Do You Recommend Heartworm Prevention for Dogs?
Yes! Your dog should definitely be on a heartworm prevention regimen in addition to annual testing. Several effective preventive products are available. We will recommend which is best for your pet. Puppies under seven months can start preventive treatment without a heartworm test but should be tested six months after starting prevention and again six months later. Dogs over seven months who have not been on a preventive need to be tested before starting heartworm prevention.
How Does a Dog Get Heartworm Disease?
A dog can become infected with heartworms when they are bitten by a mosquito that is carrying immature heartworm larvae. These larvae pass from the mosquito into the dog and move through the body. They then enter the bloodstream and migrate to the right ventricle of the heart. There is no spread from dog to dog, dog to cat, or dog to human.
Schedule an Appointment Today at Kanan Veterinary Hospital
We look forward to hearing from you, and we are happy to help with any questions or concerns you might have about heartworm prevention and heartworm testing in Oak Park. We are committed to providing the best care for your beloved pet. Schedule your appointment today. Call us at 818-532-7434!
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