When we get a new pet, whether it’s a new kitten for the holidays, or a stray dog that needs a home, there are Core vaccines that your vet in Oak Park, CA needs to administer.
Your dog may never come into contact with a rabid squirrel, and your cat may never come into contact with another cat, but there’s always a chance that they’ll break out and roam free.
This is where those core vaccinations come into play.
Core vaccines are the ones that your pet needs to have. There are many vaccines that can be recommended by your vet but these are essential to the longevity of your relationship.
Core Vaccines:
- Rabies: Rabies is transmitted by direct contact, usually by the bite of an infected host, but it can also spread open wounds and mucous membranes. The disease is 100% fatal for dogs and can be spread to humans as well. Rabies is a core vaccine for dogs, but unvaccinated cats account for most domesticated animal cases of rabies.
- Distemper: Distemper is a severe airborne virus that can attack many of your dogs body systems. It can cause fever, vomiting, diarrhea, and inflammation of the spinal cord and brain damage in your dog.
- FVRCP: The FVRCP vaccine combines the vaccine for Feline Parvovirus (FPV), Feline, Herpesvirus (FHV-1), and Feline Calicivirus (FCV) into one shot. FPV kills off your kittens white blood cells, leaving them susceptible to infections. FHV-1 can cause severe congestion and even pneumonia. The virus can lay dormant, attaching to your cat's nerves and reappear again. FCV can lead to hepatitis and death in your cat.
- Parvovirus: Parvo is highly infectious and can lead to the death of your dog. It mainly affects the intestinal tract and bone marrow. Parvo is species specific, so the Canine Parvovirus can't be contracted by humans. Dogs can recover from the virus, but depending on the severity it can leave lasting effects.
- Adenovirus (CAV1): CAV1 is a DNA virus that mainly attacks the organs of your dog. While healthy dogs' organs may clear of the virus in 10 - 14 days, it can remain in their urine for up to 9 months, risking transmission to other dogs. Symptoms vary depending on the severity of the disease within the host.
- Adenovirus(CAV-2): Most commonly known as Kennel Cough, CAV-2 is known to spread where animals congregate. Coughing, fever, runny nose, or red, watery eyes are the common symptoms and it typically runs its course. It can, however, lead to a more serious infection.
- Single year rabies shots need to have an annual booster, while three year shots require one booster after the first year and every three years thereafter. Rabies shots are considered a core vaccine for dogs, but not for cats. Cats too are susceptible and should have annual boosters.
- Three doses of the distemper, Parvo, and CAV-2 vaccines are given to puppies between the ages of 6 and 16 weeks. Adult dogs are given two doses spread apart by 3 to four weeks. Puppies will also require an additional booster after one year and going forward, a minimum of every three years.
- CAV1 with the intranasal vaccine will require Puppies to get a booster 1 year after completing the initial series, then all dogs need a booster a minimum of every 3 years.
- Kittens will receive the FVRCP vaccine combo at three to four week intervals for the first 16 - 20 weeks of their life. Adults with an unknown vaccine history should receive two doses given 3 - 4 weeks apart. Annual boosters are recommended for indoor/outdoor cats and indoor only cats may be able to have boosters every three years.
While there are other vaccines that we might recommend, based on your pet’s lifestyle, age, and genetics, the core vaccines are a must. Give us a call at
818-532-7434 so we can keep your pets well for years to come.